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If you've found your way here, it likely means your brain dances to its own unique rhythm. And we're all for it! Whether you're wired as an effervescent extrovert or a pensive introspector, a logic lover or a creative visionary, or just wanting to say hi.


Can't promise to respond at lightning speed (my brain doesn't quite operate on "neurotypical standard time"). But can promise an authentic, unfiltered reply from someone who knows what it's like to experience the world a little bit differently. 


So let's get this unique digest-mind going! I'll bring the eccentric curiosity if you bring your brilliantly offbeat perspectives. It's gonna be one neurodivergently awesome exchange.

owner and dog in color picture

Daenerys says, Thanks!

Please select the reason for your interest.

Companies, & Partners

Here are some of the team members from organizations great and small, private clients and partners to create and impact change in the world - with some neuro-spiceyness that I have worked with, and am working with .

electronic arts logo
UKG Logo
abcnews logo
udemy logo
essencemediaom logo
wolterskluwer logo
WPP logo
tenshey logo
CNPC logo
100 Roses Black logo
strweetwise partners logo

I'm a big fan of watching people grow and become healthier happier versions of themselves

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